2 min read

things i think about while powerwashing 50

we did it

We've hit the big 50. Half of 100 newsletters. It's been quite the journey to get here. It used to be more content and link heavy  — I would post some songs I was listening to or talk about some pictures I took. But these days the bulk of this newsletter is communicated via text whether it be stuff generated by either myself or by you all!

And I have to say I've definitely become more candid of a writer since then. I think I was still trying to shrug off what little was left of my journalistic writing style, but now I've fully abandoned all that. AP Style? I barely know her! I could definitely relearn but I'm my own person now.

The content has changed as well. I'm posting less pictures (because they take up bandwidth lol) and trying to focus more on building community with you all. Sometimes I really wonder if you guys read this but every week when I get anonymous subscriber submissions it makes me really happy.

Anyway it's way too late and I am tired. Look out for some more original and interesting content coming up soon! Been doing a lot of research and brainstorming and might do some reporting-ish things soon@

anonymous subscriber news


A little fun fact about this form: I made it while browsing through Costco when esteemed subscriber Fiara Llaguno asked if she could potentially submit something!

anonymous subscriber news
  • anonymous subscriber hasn't killed the orchid plant they were gifted (yet)
  • anonymous subscriber loves the Simba escape story
  • anonymous subscriber keeps eating Halloween candy and is now worried they;re not gonna have enough candy for actual Halloween
  • anonymous subscriber had shrimp for dinner last night
  • anonymous subscriber got demoted to silver 4 in TFT
  • anonymous subscriber is a dumbass and caught feelings for a friend who lives on the other coast while they were visiting for a week and can't stop imagining my life with them
  • anonymous subscriber paid $8 for southwest wifi to finish homework

animal of the week

"Nice cows living in the hill country near San Antonio, TX. Good curious buddies who chased my ATV thinking I was going to feed them." - esteemed subscriber Emi Chan.

Thanks Emi for the great photo and story! Anyway I'm tired as hell. Also I'm going to start accepting user content! Email your sections to [email protected] And your animal pics! See you next week!