2 min read

things i think about while powerwashing 42


Hi all,

I just finished my move back to my mom's house. Meaning yes, I took a job in my home town and I'm never making it out of my mom's basement. By all metrics, I am the quintissential boomer American failure.

But thankfully the circumstances that I am in are a little more fortunate than that. My job is pretty good. The area is where all the good jobs are. We'll see how long I stay here – if any readers notice I'm here for more than four years please let me know.

Moving was as good as always but the hardest part was moving my server. When I lived with my previous roommate, he was the head of IT in the household and set up an nginx proxy that I had to use. Now, all the port forwards go to my server and my nginx server takes care of anything. So now guoba is the master of the household.

guoba now lives in a corner in my house, connected to an unmanaged switch next to an old printer. It'll have to be attached to a PSU at some point (I think I need two lol). But WE ARE SO BACK BABY. SERVER UP, CAT SETTLED IN. LETS GOOOOO.

We will have a rather short powerwashing episode next week since I will be out in the wilderness with esteemed subscribers Stephen Davis and Akshay Pawar. Have no fear, we shall return with pictures and our lives.

pet of the week

althea, courtest of esteemed subscriber Brad Pushkar.

Here is Althea! She seems to be a cute black and white dog (unsure of breed). The immediately relatable part of this photo is the amount of hair living on the sofa cushion. I get it man. Simba also has really bright fur that stands out. It's everywhere

Please send me more pet photos OR ANIMAL PHOTOS IN GENERAL. Send me pictures of animals like Akshay Pawar!