2 min read

things i think about while powerwashing 41

Hi all, this post should mark the return to consistent posting! Every week! Hopefully!

Last week I volunteered at a shuaijiao tournament! Shuaijiao is an ancient form of jacket wrestling (think judo) that involves throwing while staying on your feet. I did this alongside wrestling when I was a teenager, and even went to Cleveland and China to compete in national and international competition!

Shuaijiao is commonly written as the following: shuaijiao, shuai-jiao, shuai chiao, shuai-chiao, and many more. Thanks inconsistent romanization!

Each year the Cupertino Kung-Fu club hosts a tournament with the local TCAAT (Taiwanese and Chinese American Athletic Tournament) and though this year's was a little smaller, it was still pretty great. Well, I had fun volunteering as the sole scorekeeper and match runner. I was manning the scoreboard, making sure who the next people up were, keeping score on paper. Thankfully it was a single mat tournament and thanks to everyone's help we actually managed to finish on time.

And of course, there were many cute dogs at the party afterwards.

news you should know

  • there's this youtube channel got linus tech tips that is getting dragged online for being bad at testing, as well as auctioning of things that aren't theirs. also some really dreadful stories about working there from a former employee.
  • there's fires in maui, causing widespread devastation across the island. make sure to donate if you can to support the locals.
  • i got a new gaming pc, it is very quiet, very fast, and does not make me any better as a gamer.

pet of the week

Gary, courtesy of esteemed subscriber Ellie Wang.

Here is Gary, a cat that eats oats. He is old, and cannot use the stairs that well. He is also a frequent member of tech company meetings. Praise Gary, raise Gary to fame, to the world. For all things under the stars fall under his domain.