1 min read

things i think about while powerwashing 18

Happy Friday everyone! I was pretty sick last week so I didn't get to post one of these, but I'm back this week with some more content! I can't see open rate with this new platform but I hope you all are having a great time reading the content. Once again, you can send me an email at [email protected] or comment on this blog post to send feedback!

To close out this intro section, I'll talk about my experience getting COVID. After I got back from New York, I found my self having some type of sore throat. By the weekend, I could barely walk. I felt like I was getting hit with a baseball bat all over my body, I felt slow and sluggish, and I had a bit of a cough.

Both of my at home tests posted negative, but a PCR test from my doctor showed positive. TLDR: I guess COVID is evolving once again because you should get a PCR test to make sure you're good.

recent writings

recent reads

I've had a bit more time these past two weeks due to being mostly bed-ridden. I decided to finally give these books a shot and can recommend them!

  • song of achilles - madeline miller
  • circe - madeline miller
  • reread some of the percy jackson books
  • crying in h mart - michelle zauner

animal of the week: dog

submitted from nathan cohen. please send your pet photos to [email protected]

I am conflicted about dogs. They are very cute and energetic, but they are also very loud. As a non-lover of loud noises, this keeps me from having a dog, but I can appreciate a good dog.

One thing I'd like to do is volunteer as a dog walker for a shelter. I've tried doing it in the past but there have been no openings. Please! Let me do it!!!