2 min read

happy thanksgiving

hello all my lovely little turkeys!

Happy Thanksgiving. This exceptionally American holiday has never been especially important in my family (except to make time for some great vacations) but ever since I started college, I've started feeling it a bit more. No religious aspect, just the thought of being grateful for the things in my life.

For family, for my esteemed subscribers (my friends), and for my persistent life manager (my cat). I'm thankful for all of you for all the support you've all shown me. Let's close out this year on a positive note and remember all that we're grateful for.

I've been through a lot this year, as have many of my friends. Let's all remember that even when our lows are low, we have things to be grateful for. I'm grateful for my relationship with each and everyone one of you, and hope to see you all in the next few years.

As for a small list of things I'm grateful for:

  • my family and my friends
  • grateful to be employed in these Trying Times
  • for my cat
  • for relatively good health

And before we head into the news section, make sure to send in some anonymous subscriber news!!! The deadline is Friday evening. Get to it!

anonymous subscriber news

Now, the juicy stuff. There's been quite a bit of news going on in the tech world and I want everyone to at least know a little about what's been going on. I mean, some of this shit is insane. Here's the lowdown:


baby come back

I don't even know where to start. Well, the guy who led the startup that made ChatGPT and is owned by a non-profit (and governed by a non-profit) got fire and rehired within the span of five days, with Microsoft coming out of the woodwork to almost acquire all the employees.

Let's break that down. Or not! Anyway, it was a classic power coup that resulted in things staying the same, but different. In the end, the CEO came back. The board that tried to oust him got fired. And Microsoft has been guaranteed at least two board seats.

I feel like I could try writing about all of this but here are some good sources that I've read thus far:

Have a great Thanksgiving guys. Be with family, or just enjoy the day if that's not your thing. I'll be out there taking Turkey Trot pictures for my family today and having a great big dinner. Will report back on how that goes.
