2 min read

things i think about while powerwashing 55

things i think about while powerwashing 55

I'm kind of bored.

The post-holiday work rush has started to hit, with people trying to get things done while people are around, and I can kind of feel it. I've been feeling fine, but mainly, I'm just really bored after work.

I haven't been able to take photos like I usually want to since moving home, and I think this is why people just work a lot after getting home around here. Like it's all dark and such right after work. Like do people go to bars? Go eat out? It's all so expensive.

So I started cooking at home again! Just cooking some chicken, making dumplings, things like that. I might have free food at work but cooking is bringing out my creative side again. Maybe ... is it a bread weekend? Who knows. But boredom is when my best and greatest ideas come out so hopefully we get something good.

anonymous subscriber news

Wow, so someone wants me to restart security/tech tuesdays! The reason I started this newsletter was to have a more personal form of my initial newsletter security tuesdays. I basically just tried to explain tech. and computer security to the average non-tech person and it seemed that peopled liked it.

But yeah I'll also answer your tech questions via email to me ([email protected]). Give em to me! We'll restart this as tech tuesdays! And send me your anonymous subscriber news sorry I forgot the link last week.

  • Anonymous subscriber wants to know if Ryan can start a column in his newsletters where we submit tech/computer questions we're afraid to ask
  • Anonymous subscriber is currently reading The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel
  • Anonymous subscriber impulse bought a $215 zojirushi water boiler because they deserve nice things and their old kettle broke

solidifying my travel plans

In a previous powerwashing, I told you all that I was ready to mr worldwide. Well my first plans are starting to solidify: we're going to Europe in March. Probably Vienna + Zurich. Should be pretty interesting! I just need to gain the bravery to actually buy the ticket and go now.

sun goes down, tv time

Yeah. This seasonal depression is really getting to me. The cold weather, the lack of sunlight: it just means it's time to sit down and watch TV. Unfortunately I have a pretty good setup going. I connect my Airpods to my Apple TV and just sit on the sofa and write or program or browse the web. It's way too comfortable. Highly recommend to everyone.

animal of the week

"close bobcat" - submitted by esteemed subscriber Emi Chan

Yet another great trail cam submission by Emi! Honestly it looks like a scarier and more fierce version of my cute and cuddly Simba. It's weird to think that the domesticated pets that we love are just a few degrees separated from wild and scary animals that could kill us at any time. Or. that Our pets could kill us at any time! They could go evil and go bang bang bang all 2A on our ass! Anyway send me your pet photos at ryanjchen2gmail.com

See you all next week! I'll be working on tech tuesdays ... to release on Tuesday. So ... see you on Tuesday!